
At Word Of Life we operate
a complex and lively Children’s Ministry
– Your children matter to us and we want to do our best to minister to them.
– We have age-appropriate ministry at every level.
– Each one of our workers have been a member of WOL for at least 6 months, have completed our School of Leaders course, and have gone through a rigorous application and background check.
– For the safety of your children and our staff, there are at least 2 adult workers in each nursery or classroom at all times.
– Children are signed-in at the Welcome Center and receive a number and instructions for that service. If there are any issues with your child, we will immediately contact you and call you out of the sanctuary so that you can help us.
- Get your kid involved!
Something for everyone
Sunday morning sign-in at 9:50 am and drop off directly in the appropriate nursery at the beginning of service. If you have specific requests or directions, you can give these to the workers as you drop off your children.
Begins at 9:50 am for drop off but then goes as a group to the Side Wing of the church for Praise and Worship. If you arrive late, you can deliver your child to the Side Wing. Dedicated team of teachers. Structured weekly curriculum: Integrated free play, crafts, playground time, snacks and Christian movies. Children must be 3 years old and potty trained to move up into this class. They must also be able to sit in a chair and receive instruction. Children in this class stay with their parents till the end of worship service and then will be dismissed with the kids.
Sunday classroom check-ins at 9:50 am. Praise and Worship in the Side Wing. If you arrive late, you a can deliver your child to the Side Wing where a wonderful group of warm teachers will welcome them. Creative team with curriculum. We use games, illustrations, object lessons and all kinds of things to try and make these lessons very applicable to everyday life. Your child will receive a snack during the morning lesson.
Meets in a very cool area of our church, behind and above the main stage in the sanctuary. This age group stays with their parents during Praise and Worship. Please sign in your child before church and then they will line by the back door nursery after Worship service to go to their classroom. Young teens’ specific curriculum, addressing relevant topics All of our teachers: receive training mature Christians with teaching experience often also have parenting experience. We teach through discussion, games, group activities as well as the curriculum itself.
Every Wednesday evening at 7pm (except for the 4th Wednesday in the month). Praise and Worship together in the sanctuary, then dismissed to the youth room. First Sunday of every month during service. During offering song, youth meet in the hallway and are escorted by their leader to the lower youth room. Our youth leaders prepare the lessons according to the topics that the youth express an interest in. In addition to our formal times we also do various events for the youth, outings, attend conferences and generally try to develop great friendships that will last a lifetime during these times.